Balancing Your Seven Chakras

Balancing Your Seven Chakras

How To Balance Your Chakras Using Crystals Create a sacred space for yourself ensuring that you won’t be disturbed for at least around 30 minutes. Play some soothing and relaxing music with nature sound to create a balance and comfortable ambiance, light some healing... read more
White Light Shielding Technique

White Light Shielding Technique

White Light Shielding Technique is very important in our daily lives. Sometimes we tend to “pick up” energy from other people, without knowing we are doing so. These psychic vampires draws away our energies and sometimes they will carry out psychic attacks on us... read more
10 Ways To Cleanse Your Aural Energy

10 Ways To Cleanse Your Aural Energy

We all naturally attract certain situations and relationships in life. It’s like they are magnetic, and we are gravitated towards them. There is patterns that become noticeable but not until they have shown up over a period of time. We all have different lessons to... read more
Universal Life Force

Universal Life Force

Yin and yang are the two dynamics of the Universal Life Force, inseparable, interacting, and opposites. Neither is complete without the other. Each is a part of the other. Each depends for its existence on the other. A coin has two sides, yet without one side the idea... read more
Meditation Music

Meditation Music

Healing Music &roquo; Meditation is beneficial to every aspect of your being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Physically, it relaxes the body and relieves tension, which slows heart rate and lowers blood pressure. It relieves stress and quiets the mind,... read more
Symbol for Zen

Symbol for Zen

The classic is the enso. It is known as the circle of enlightenment. In the sixth century a text named the Shinhinmei refers to the way of Zen as a circle of vast space, lacking nothing, and nothing in excess. At first glance the ancient enso zen symbol appears to be... read more